Missouri Western State University Clay Guild is sponsoring a National
Ceramic Exhibition titled Twin Cups. The exhibition is open to all
artists 18 years and older residing in the U.S.  Submitted artworks may
be either functional or sculptural representations of a pair of cups,
mugs, or drinking vessels, etc.  The $25.00 jury fee entitles each
artist to submit a maximum of two entries (each entry consisting of a
set of two).  Artworks must have been completed within the last two
years. Entry deadline January 15, 2014.  Details and prospectus are
available on the MWSU Clay Guild website at

January 15, 2014 Entry Submission Deadline: Postmarked
February 3, 2014 Acceptance Notification 
February 21, 2014 Shipped Artworks Due to Gallery(artworks may be hand-delivered: between 10am-4pm)
February 26, 2014 Installation of Exhibition
February 28, 2014 Exhibition Opens – Reception: – 6 pm – 9 pm 
March 28, 2014 Exhibition Closes 
March 31, 2014 Return of shipped artwork begins 
March 31, 2014 Pick-up of hand-delivered artwork: between 10am-4pm