“The Ceramics Reader is an impressive collection of essays and
text extracts which covers all the key areas of ceramics – both past and
present. It focuses on thoughts and discussions within ceramics from
the last 20-30 years in particular, but also gives the reader a broad
overview of the last 100 years. One aim of the book is to introduce
contemporary debates, raise awareness and stimulate thought rather than
to present a closed case for examination. Consequently the essays or
extracts present different approaches to give a rounded viewpoint.
Beginning with essential questions such as ‘Why are ceramics important?’
it also considers the field of ceramics from a range of perspectives –
as a cultural activity, ceramics as metaphor, where it sits within arts
and crafts, within gender discussions, ceramics as sculpture, the use of
ceramics as a vehicle for propaganda, ceramics within industry, within
museums, and most recently as part of the ‘expanded field’ as a Fine Art
medium and vehicle for ideas.

The texts come from a wide
variety of sources – books, magazines, journals, papers presented at
conferences and online journals, as well as some newly commissioned
material never before published, to present an international and
comprehensive look at ceramics. The book is divided into three main
sections and each has a short introduction by the editors to place the
chosen texts in context and explain the selections, as well as pointing
to any strong threads or issues within the section and offering a point
of view.

This book is ideal for ceramic students, but will also
appeal to anyone wishing to gain a broad overview and understanding of
the world of ceramics.” via Bloomsbury Website.