Call for entry – The Marge Brown Kalodner Graduate Student Exhibition

Applications must be postmarked on or before Friday, May 21, 2010 The Clay Studio will host The Sixth Annual Marge Brown Kalodner Graduate Student Exhibition from July 2 through August 1, 2010. It is open to any student currently enrolled in a Graduate Program or graduating from a Graduate Program in 2010. Works may be mixed media, but clay must be the primary medium. We encourage submissions from artists working in all types of and approaches to clay, as our primary goal is to represent the exciting diversity within this medium. The premise for this exhibition is to identify young artists whose work is deserving of attention, to provide a forum for both the exhibition and sale of their work, and to introduce the ceramics community to this next generation of talented individuals. Three cash prizes in the amounts of $1000.00, $500.00, and $250.00 will be awarded.

Application Process

A complete application will include the following:

  • a completed application form [PDF, 95K] in hard copy
  • A disc containing the following: Up to six digital image .jpeg files featuring no more than three pieces maximum. You may include one detail image or an additional view per piece for a maximum total of six images. The images must be of the pieces to be included in the exhibition, no exceptions. Images must be .jpeg files at 72 dpi, with the image’s longest dimension not exceeding 700 pixels. Each image should be labeled as follows: imagenumberyourfirstinitialandlastname.jpeg, Example: 1jdoe.jpeg, 2jdoe.jpeg, etc.
  • a corresponding image list in both hard copy and as a word document saved to your disc that includes the following: image number, title, medium, size, and date.
  • Your current resume in both hard copy and as a word document saved to your disc.
  • Your current artist statement in both hard copy and as a word document saved to your disc.
  • All applications must be postmarked on or before May 21, 2010


Selection Process

Works will be judged by a three member jury. Notification will be no later than June 9, 2010. Selected work must be shipped to The Clay Studio to arrive no later than June 25, 2010. All work selected for inclusion in this exhibition must be available for sale. The Clay Studio provides an invitation, mailing, press coverage, and will host an opening reception. TCS will also pay for the return shipment of any unsold work and shall receive a 50% commission for all work sold. Please call Artistic Director Jeff Guido at 215.925.3453 x18 or email [email protected] if you have any further questions.

215-925-3453 | | [email protected]

Call for Entry… “Clay Sandwich Interpreted”

“Clay Sandwich” What kind of image comes to mind? Celadon glazed porcelain “cucumber sandwich”? Chicago’s famous Italian Beef made with as much attention to detail as the real thing (only out of earthenware)? Show us what is in your head! Clay Sandwich Interpreted will be an exhibit of sculptural work based on the artist’s interpretation of the term “Clay Sandwich” It will be held in conjunction with ClaySandwich the Sale. Mixed media is welcome as long as the primary medium is clay. Work must be 6” or less in any dimension.
Entries are limited to one per artist. Up to 3 views of the work will be accepted. Email raw digital images to [email protected]. An artist’s statement, resume and $30 jury fee is required payable by check or money order postmarked by July 23, 2010 to: Clay Sandwich Interpreted, Center Street Clay, 218 West Center Street, Sandwich, Il 60548
July 23, 2010: Payment postmark deadline.
July 30, 2010: Resume & Images due by midnight via email.
August 20, 2010: Artists notified of jury’s decision
More Details on their website here.

Curatorial Call for Entries – The Clay Studio

Submissions must be POSTMARKED by June 1, 2010

Exhibition idea? No space? The Clay Studio is now accepting proposals for group or thematic Exhibitions. The premise for this program is to provide an individual or individuals the opportunity to develop a show idea from conception to fruition, with the support of the Gallery staff of The Clay Studio. The Clay Studio will provide:

  • gallery space (either 365 sq. ft. or 560 sq. ft.)
  • an invitation, mailing, and press coverage
  • an opening reception
  • costs for the return shipment of exhibited work.

A $500.00 honorarium will also be provided to the curator or curators of the exhibition.

Submission Process

No slides accepted for review, ONLY DIGITAL IMAGES.

  • a 1-page curator’s statement detailing the premise of the exhibition and its pertinence to contemporary ceramics in hard copy
  • the curators resume in hard copy
  • a disc with 2 images of each artist represented within the exhibition. Images must be .jpeg files at 72 dpi, with the image’s longest dimension not exceeding 700 pixels. Each image should be labeled as follows: imagenumberyourfirstinitiallastname.jpeg, Example: 1jdoe.jpeg, 2jdoe.jpeg, etc.
  • A corresponding image list with artist name, title, medium, size and year created in hard copy

NO DISCS WILL BE RETURNED AND NOTIFICATION WILL BE MADE VIA EMAIL. Individuals may submit only one proposal for consideration. Return Application to:
The Clay Studio
139 North Second Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Selection Process

The selection process will be based on the originality and quality of the submission and will be chosen by the Exhibitions Committee of The Clay Studio. The selected proposal will be programmed during the 2011 – 2012 exhibition season. The curator or curators selected will be notified by September 1, 2010. Please call Artistic Director Jeff Guido at 215.925.3453 x18 or email [email protected] if you have any further questions.

215-925-3453 | | [email protected]

Call for entry – UN-WEDGED

North American Ceramic Competition and Art Show

November 4 – 30

UN-WEDGED seeks contemporary ceramic work, both functional and sculptural, that is exceptional in concept and execution. The use of other media is acceptable as long as ceramics is the principle vehicle of expression. The show is open to all artists living in the United States, Canada and Mexico. All work submitted must have been completed within the last two years.

important show dates
Sep 1 Receipt of digital images
Sep 17 Notifications mailed to artists
Oct 29 Receipt of work
Nov 4 Show opens
Nov 6 Gala reception
Nov 30 Exhibition closes. Work returned.

All work will be judged by digital images. Images must be of the actual work. Digital images should be jpg or tiff format and at least 1024×768 pxels minimum. Image files should be labeled with the artist’s name and a number that corresponds with the information on the entry form (e.g. Voulkos #2). Images of accepted work may be used for publicity.

submission guidelines Online submissions are preferred (either via email or our online application form), but we will also accept mailed applications. Email your application to us at [email protected]. Remember to include the following information in your application.

    • artist’s name
    • e-mail
    • phone
    • address
    • title of piece
    • size of piece (hxwxd)
    • method/materials/techniques
    • date completed
    • retail price)

Note: up to 3 images may be submitted for each application.

    • name of image#1 – we suggest a macro view w/ optional notes
    • name of image#2 – we suggest a detail view w/ optional notes
    • name of image#3 – optional alternate view w/ optional notes

Otherwise, you can send submissions on CDs via mail to:

    Pottery Northwest
    226 1st Avenue North
    Seattle WA 98109

See their website for all the details.