Sep. 25
Rosewood Gallery, Kettering, Ohio

Submission deadline is September 25 for this sculpture competition open to artists from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky who create original sculpture from any 3D media or combination of media including clay, wood, glass, metal and stone. The work must be able to fit through the 34″ x 79″ doorway and must have been created within the last four years. Jurying will be done from slides and digital images. Work previously exhibited at Rosewood is not eligible. Entry fee of $20 for up to 3 works. The exhibit will run from November 9 through December 11, 2009. There will be an opening reception on Sunday, November 8, 2009, from 2 to 4 pm. The United Art and Education Awards, totaling $1,100, will be presented at 3 pm. For more information, contact Amy Anderson, Rosewood Gallery Coordinator at [email protected] or 937–296-0294.