The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation: 2010 Emerging Artist Awards
Deadline for application: February 15

The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation has established a program of awards for emerging artists to support and encourage promising artists, early in their careers, while also serving to raise the profile of the arts in Alberta. The Awards are awarded every second year, beginning in 2008. Each Award consists of $10,000 and a medallion. Up to ten prizes may be awarded in each awards cycle.

Award recipients are selected by an application and adjudication process. Emerging Alberta Artists who meet the eligibility criteria may make application for the Award. Appraisals are required from two established artists who are in a position to provide the Foundation with a candid assessment of the Applicant’s current accomplishments and potential to develop.

Dawn Detarando, with appraisal support from the Alberta Craft Council, was a recipient of an emerging artist award in 2008.

The Application Guidelines, Application Form and Appraisal Form are available from the Foundation’s website at Deadline for receipt of Applications and accompanying two Appraisals is Feb. 15, 2010.