As you’ve seen over the years on Ceramic Arts Daily, ceramic artists are some of the most creative people out there when it comes to the tools they use. (in fact, Meira Mathison shared a great one on Friday). If a tool doesn’t exist to get a particular job done, no problem. A clay person will probably just make what they need. A bunch of MacGyvers, we are.

So, for our next contest, we thought it would be fun to ask our clever readers to submit videos showcasing the tools they’ve made or repurposed for a particular ceramics task.

There are so many cool homemade or repurposed tools out there that Ceramic Arts Daily has an entire section devoted to the subject. The “Making Clay Tools” section of the site contains loads of great examples of homemade tools. But wouldn’t it be great if there were more videos there?

That’s where you come in, readers! Enter the D.I.Y. Clay Tools Video Contest for a chance to share your great ideas with the world! You might even win the grand prize from our sponsor Euclid’s Kilns, Elements, and Tools: a $500 gift card to use on – Jennifer Harnetty, editor.

VIA Ceramic Arts Daily

Find out more about the contest here!