Deadline: JAN 31

Boyle Street Community Services, an inner city agency, is inviting artists in the Edmonton area to become its first Artist in Residence, starting March 1, 2011. The Artist in Residence will work with community members to mentor and build their talents, develop a body of work by the Artist in Residence that reflects their experience at the agency and participate in a public showing of artwork produced during the artist’s tenure. We are searching for an appropriate candidate who comes from disciplines including painting, drawing, photography, fine craft, song writing or literary arts.

In an appropriate cover letter, candidates should refer to:
•Experience working with people who live in poverty, are marginalized and face multiple barriers.
•Examples of a candidate’s background using art to build self-esteem and foster personal growth.
•Examples of an artist’s own work that reflect issues related to social inclusion and poverty.
•Experience working with Aboriginal peoples and newcomers from varied cultures.

Applicants should detail key components of a proposed program, including suggestions on how to monitor program impacts. Examples of artwork should be provided using a CD or other appropriate digital format (including the option of providing a link to an applicant’s website). Proposals should also indicate how much time the candidate expects to spend working with community members at Boyle Street and on their own work over the six months for the project.

Appropriate space will be provided at Boyle Street to enable the selected artist to practice his or her own craft, host classes for the target population and offer individual consultation. The incumbent’s remuneration will be $25,000 over six months; a further $3,000 is available for supplies for the program. This initiative is sponsored by the Edmonton Arts Council, as part of the Art of Living cultural plan. The organizing committee includes representatives from the University of Alberta, Grant MacEwan University and Boyle Street Community Services.

Please respond with the noted cover letter, proposal and appropriate digital support material by 5 p.m., January 31, 2011 to: [email protected]
For further information about Boyle Street Community Services, please see our webpage:

For more information about this opportunity, please contact David Berger, Deputy Director, Boyle Street Community Services, 10116 – 105 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0K2; (780) 423-3122, extension 254.

via Alberta Craft Council