International Artist Village Residency, India

Visual and performing artists and art critics are invited to apply for the ‘Sowing Seeds Artist Village Residency’ in India. Visual artists, performing artists, art critics and local community will collaborate to create work about environment and social development in rural Rajasthan. There will be opportunities for collaborative work that interacts with the rural environment.

“Sowing Seeds” is a project that intends to create dialogues and exchanges amongst artists beyond their national identity and serves as an opportunity for rural artists to meet, share and exchange ideas, visions, and diverse views in order to create a deeper understanding of art. It acts as a social environment developing and improving the artistic impressions of experts as well as emerging artists. As an alternative art space in India, “Sowing Seeds” is geared to exchange the challenges required to organize such a contemporary artist village residency within rural areas and thus giving rise to a new era in art. The key to the Artist residency projects will be creating local community collaboration to create works related to environment and social development in the village Gelawas, Barmer, Rajasthan. The artist residency will bring together 15 international artists practicing in a wide variety of media, collaboration, outdoor sculpture, documentation, or performing to bring benefit to a specific siteand share ideas and methods for a period of 14 days.

The artists residency will provide the selected artists with full lodging and food, work space, local transportation and a small material stipend. Residency period

20th December 2011 to 2nd January 2012 [14-days] Eligible applicants

Young and emerging visual artists, performingartists and critics – Artists who are able to stay at village Gelawas for the designated period of time Artists who are able to produce results of his or her residence activities, e.g. exhibitions, performances, concerts or presentations

Artists who are able to communicate and collaborate with local people and participate in the exchange program. How to apply

Applicants should fill in all the required fields in the application form

Applications via e-mail will be accepted

Submitted information is only used for selection and not for any other purpose. Deadline

Applications must be received by 30th September 2011.

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Applications will not be accepted if there is any deficiency or if required information is missing. Results

Results will be announced in the beginning of 15th October 2011

All applicants, both successful and unsuccessful, will be informed of the results. A total of 15 artists will be selected. Applications & inquiries should be addressed to




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