emerging artist: Norma Acord

Facebook Page: Norma Acord Ceramics
website:: www.normaacordceramics.com

A little about myself—I grew up in West Virginia, where I attended a small liberal arts college. Through an amazing clay program, I was able to see where the possibilities of clay could take you! I graduated in 2010 with my Bachelors of Art and moved to Mississippi to start graduated school. I went to The University of Mississippi, where I completed my Masters of Fine Art under the direction of Matt Long in the spring of 2013. I am currently an adjunct at my alma mater, Concord University in Athens WV and work as part time as a gallery assistant at the David L. Dickirson Fine Arts Gallery in Beckley WV.

emerging artist: Honora Bacon


Want to be featured as an emerging artist on musing? All you have to do is send me some images, a brief write up if you’d like, and a website if you have it to [email protected] If you could put emerging artist in the subject header of the email so it doesn’t get lost in my spam folder that would be great. Thanks!