Feast of Pottery – this weekend!

On Thanksgiving weekend, the table will be set for a
Feast of Pottery
An annual exhibition of functional and beautiful dinnerware and serving pieces created by exceptional and award-winning local and international potters and ceramic artists. A pop-up gallery show, it is a feast for the eyes!
The work is for viewing and for sale.
Saturday and Sunday
October 6thand 7th2018
10 am to 4 pm daily
Purchased pieces are available after the exhibition closes
The Royal St. John’s Regatta Boathouse
Quidi Vidi Lake
10 Clancey Drive, St. John’s
Please click on the artist’s name to learn more:
Maaike Charron (St. John’s, Newfoundland)
Jennifer Drysdale  (Carp, Ontario)
Michael Flaherty (Port Union, Newfoundland)
Carole Epp (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
Terry Hildebrand (Edmonton, Alberta)
Jason Holley (St. John’s, Newfoundland)
Rachael Kroeker (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Tim Kowalczyk (Minonk, Illinois)
Marney McDiarmid (Kingston, Ontario)
Isabella St. John (St. John’s, Newfoundland)
Marcelina Salazar (Chatsworth, Ontario)
Heather Smit (Toronto, Ontario)
Sue Tirrell (Red Lodge, Montana)
Alexis Templeton (St. John’s, Newfoundland)
Liz Willoughby (Brighton, Ontario)
A Pop-up Gallery Curated by Alexis Templeton
Purchased items may be collected at the venue after 4pm on Sunday,
or from Alexis’ Studio at 75 Quidi Vidi Road
(Open daily except Monday, Noon to 6 pm.)

workshop with Kim Dickey

Studio Arts Boulder is offering a two-day workshop with Artist and Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, Kim Dickey.

Some info on the workshop:

Ceramic WIP (Works in Progress)

This two day hands-on workshop will aim to expand your handbuilding vocabulary and help you move toward the places you want to explore in your work. Using found objects as a starting place, we will develop creative responses by extending existing forms and contributing to new ideas in the field.

Levels: Intermediate to Advanced (some ceramic handbuilding experience is

For more information go to: http://www.studioartsboulder.org/workshops/

technical tuesday: a must read about envy and ego

Some of you might remember fondly laughing in the audience as Jerry Saltz (@jerrysaltz) delivered his memorable Keynote speak at NCECA a few years ago. I see him as quite the quotable man at different points in my life and was taken by the following article by Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) (author of Steal Like An Artist) on the subject of envy for creatives which references a interview with Jerry as well. It’s a different type of “technical tuesday” on the blog I guess, one that asks us to be introspective,  but one we can all likely still learn from and think about in the studio today. I like to at least think i’m not the only one that feels creative jealousy and envy. If you can get through the day without feeling envious, well then I’m envious of you for that as well : )

Here’s to turning that envy into creativity.

“Nietzsche thought of envy as a confused but important signal from our deeper selves about what we really want. Everything that makes us envious is a fragment of our true potential, which we disown at our peril. We should learn to study our envy forensically, keeping a diary of envious moments, and then sift through episodes to discern the shape of a future, better self…. The envy we don’t own up to will otherwise end up emitting what Nietzsche called ‘sulfurous odours.’ Bitterness is envy that doesn’t understand itself.” (source)

Here’s the link to the full article by Austin Kleon: austinkleon.com/2018/09/27/an-enemy-of-envy/