Soooo behind on everything lately, an email inbox that’s fuller than ever, work piling up as the little kiln fires steady day after day. So I missed posting this one on time, sorry to the artists, but there’s still time to check out the show if you’re in Australia.

artroom 5
5 Kent Street Henley Beach, SA

Artists: Chris De Rosa, Lesa Farrant, Prue Gramp and Maria Parmenter

On a different note, I have a bit of news about the Australian Ceramics Triennial this July. Oh I can barely write this I’m so sad…Well my husband and I were scheduled to present a paper at the conference and sadly due to our travel grant application falling through we can’t afford to go anymore. Sigh…months of preparation and anticipation down the tubes. Such is the life of an artist I guess. Anyway we’ll sort out what to do with the paper since it’s already written, needs a bit of expansion if it’ll stand alone without the multi media presentation we were planning to give…anyway, this sadly means that I won’t be visiting so many of my cherished friends or meeting so many new ones that I’ve only every spoken to online. But Australia will always be near and dear to my heart so I’m already working on other ways of getting back sometime soon…

In the meantime if you haven’t yet you should check out the Triennial’s website for what looks to be an amazing conference. So many great exhibitions and speakers. If you can go please do…and then tell me all about it so I can live vicariously! Also check out Shannon Garson’s blog for the triennial, it’s full of artist/speaker profiles and gorgeous images of works to be exhibited during the conference.

Here’s some work by Penny Byrne one of the main reasons I wanted to go to the conference.

Okay must go and make myself feel better with a cup of tea and a timtam…