For starters I just wanted to thank everyone for the amazing comments the other day. So nice to have some feedback and encouragement : )

This week I didn’t get very far with any of the functional work as I had a moment of fearful realization of exactly how soon my next deadline is for my sculptural work, so I’ve been focused on that every waking moment. Pieces are rush drying on the top of a hot kiln as we speak. I figured so that I kept up with my resolution that I’d post a sneak peek of some of those pieces in progress. I’ll update more very soon as well about where they’re going in case anyone has the desire and accessibility to see them in person.

I also had a great skype chat with an amazing friend and artist last night and as always when I chat with her I got some good serious questions to ask myself. Always good to have a friend that will be honest with you and challenge you. So I’ve got alot to think about in the next little while, especially some thoughts about the sculptural work and the concept behind representing political/social subject matter, how negative the work is sometimes read and if that’s at all effective anymore, especially seeing how much the world and our perspectives have actually changed in the last 6 years since I started the project. I’m starting to think that maybe I’ve been a bit on auto pilot, pumping out pieces without challenging the concept and intent of each enough…more on that at a later time though…right now my head is in a cloud, much like this little man:

As I mentioned last time I’m also working on more of the sculptural vase pieces so here’s a shot of the last one I made, which I’m really unhappy with as it reads simply as a cut bowl on it’s side. I opened the form too much in an attempt to get a larger size and that ruined it in my opinion. However it does give me a bit of hope as to playing around with scale and displaying various sized pieces together to accentuate the relationships between them and the interesting negative spaces that are created. I’m starting to think that I really need to start working with some larger molds, even if that means that components are repeated. More cut and paste as well to remove the pieces from being ‘in the round’. Cutting one side just isn’t cutting it (ha!)…. I think they could be far more dramatic if they were visibly more unstable and cut on different axises. By the way the paint brushes represent where the flower stems would be.