So sometimes I can be quite implusive. Especially when it comes to great art. So it’s not really a surprise to me that within moments of discovering Scott Jennings beautiful ceramic work I had (practically without breathing) purchased two pieces to add to my ceramics collection. So I asked Scott if I could share some images with you. If you have a minute check out his etsy shop and his website (where he also shares some process info)

In his words:
“I choose to make pottery because of the excitement and satisfaction that I get from discovering new forms. With each new series of work my intentions become clearer and the excitement grows. I am interested in utilitarian vessels and find that they provide endless avenues to explore form and surface design. Each piece that I make stands in stark contrast to the manufactured goods of the world around us; they are imperfect, irregular, and not exactly repeatable. I strive to make pieces that are visually stunning and that have friendly tactile qualities. Ultimately I hope that the user contemplates how ceramics with unique characteristics can fit into and enhance their daily routines.”