Sunday, May 16th ———- 10 am – 6 pm
5 Underwood, Botany —– Tel. 0432-521-470

How many women in Sydney own a wood splitter and sing at the opera house?
For the first time in six years well known Sydney potter Roswitha Wulff is offering her pot-
tery for sale at her Botany studio along with the works of guest potters Peter Thompson
from Kuranda and Neil Fenning of Sydney. The quantity of pottery available is massive
and the quality is top drawer … electric, reduction and wood-fired processes are all repre-

As a result of years of creativity and experimentation a wide range of sublime functional
pottery including bowls, mugs, plates, and vases will be available, as well as Roswitha’s
unique modular wall pieces similar in concept to that commissioned by the St. Vincent’s
Hospital. Those familiar with Roswitha’s pottery will be excited by her new colours and

Peter Thompson’s sculptural vessels relating to his interest in folklore and the environment
are evidenced by his recent A. D. Gill pieces. The ash deposited by the wood-fired kiln en-
livens the surfaces of Peter’s ceramics as well as other pottery included in this exceptional

When finished wood-firing her pottery, Roswitha Wulff will be singing ‘Songs for Shakespeare’ with fellow Sydney Philharmonic Festival Chorus members May 14th, and 15th at the Sydney Opera House.

For further information or higher resolution images are available at Tel 0432-521-470, or
from [email protected]