The other thing I wanted to do why here was post a bit of a visual diary/sketchbook of what i’m working on since this is such a concentrated production time. I have to admit while i’m compelled to do this, the thought of exposing so much unfinished work, random thoughts and, well, potential garbage scares me. It’s hard to be vulnerable. And you know before, as much as I thought of all of you readers out there and tried to put faces to my audience, it’s been pretty creepy/cool/strange and thought provoking to actually be in a studio where there are people who will read this online and then potentially come and talk to me face to face about what’s here. It’s a pretty different feel alright. Makes you think more about what you’re writing about. But also in a positive way adds some humanity and closeness back into the whole blog/online community. Something to think about anyway.

So here we go with some images. Today was a day of some thrift store shopping and getting inspired by some new kitschy objects.

(a piece i’ve wanted to make for a long while now – the ass kissing angels)

* and on a relevant and intriguing note I must say that never before in my many years of obsessive second hand shopping have I ever (or has my companion Robin L) seen so many ceramic unicorns. Got to wonder what that’s all about all you Medicine Hatters. Unicorn Power!!!!