Okay so i’m a little bit behind. Forgive me as I’m crashing from the most amazing month ever at Medalta. The residency ended with a bang (literally) and many sad goodbyes as we all went our separate ways, well except for Jeremy Hatch who is left in the studio all by himself to finish his work, hopefully it’s not too lonely.

Sunday morning after no more than 3 hours sleep I took one final swing by the studio to catch a peek at this week’s eye candy – a piece that Brendan Tang had just unloaded from the kiln hours before.

Stunning to say the least.

And then it was time to hit the road and head home to my lovely family. It has been such an amazing month that i’m still trying to digest it all. It really feels like it will be months/years before the inspiration I gained at Medalta will fade. My mommy brain was brought back to life and is still churning with theory talk, new techniques, business ideas and conceptual richness. Needless to say it’s been both lovely and strange to be back home in an all too familiar day to day routine. The studio is once again filled with the crackle of the baby monitor rather than Robin Lambert’s amazing studio mix of music. There is no one to stop by and provide random insight into my work, or to simply make me smile a mile wide with their humor. But it’s not like being home is a bad thing. I need to digest all this information, and more importantly finish all the pieces I started in Medicine Hat. It might be a few weeks before I have images to share with you all of the works completed, but fear not, you’ll get to see them finished.

The studio is in the process of being cleaned, the family cuddles abound, I have a wonderful gift of a new computer to keep up with all my work (killed not one but 2 MAC’s during the residency). Life is good. Friends will be missed, but never forgotten, and the internet as always will bring us together.

To sum up any thoughts on the “Technology” residency…hmmm….I think that it reconfirmed my beliefs that technology is an amazing tool for growth of a practice, of marketing and community building, of sharing and nurturing. I guess I have to declare that I officially remove my luddite label. I am fully and completely in tune with technology and my desire to find better ways of making it work to my, and the larger community’s, advantage has grown. After many chats about this blog with the residency’s artists and staff, I have a renewed energy for building this site into something even greater. What? i’m not totally sure yet. When? As soon as I have some time : )

Great things are a foot, stay tuned.