For too many of the years that i have been working as an artist i have gone back and forth with my desire to participate in/my need to participate in/my questioning of the value of art and craft markets. I have spent some of those years avoiding them completely and focusing on gallery exposure, but then there are years like this year that i have applied to as many as i figured i could handle.

This in turn equates to a reality of 4 christmas sales in just over a month. And just when you think that the theme song from the tv show intervention should be playing in my head and friends should be stopping by to question my sanity; i’ve accepted a last minute spot in yet another chirstmas sale.

This one in a concert arena. This one with likely the largest crowd of them all. This one at the end of all the other sales when fingers crossed I’m not just left with odds and ends. But this was the year that I said I was going to give it my all, take my lumps, smile the smiles needed to close the sales and in the new year look to see if it all payed off or not. Then and only then will i address the potential need for plan B.

It seems only fitting though that the following video is making it’s rounds on the internet, mocking me and my positive outlook, reminding me of the often sad and true reality of craft sales (especially the glitter part), and wishing i had just stayed in bed a bit longer as that would likely have put me further ahead in the end… : )

So i would like to ask all of you your thoughts on these sorts of sales. Does it really get better once you’ve done the same sale a few years in a row? Does it pay off for you in the end? How far are you willing to travel for a sale? Or do you stick close to home? And what sorts of “drinks” do you need to get you through the long hours?
