So it’s midday friday and I realized I haven’t yet had a chance to post a site 2 see friday.

We’ve been a bit distracted around these parts lately with ceramics of another kind. The little one is extending his education on all things clay to include the use of a toilet, so there you go, that’s where my mind has been the last few days. I figured rather than fight it, it was as good an opportunity as any to show some related work of Robert Arneson.

Sure it’s an old piece, and i’m sure many of you are very familiar with his work. For those of us, well some of us, growing up on the prairies of Central Canada work by Arneson becomes a part of our ceramic history. The influence of Arneson, David Gilhooly, and other artists of the Ceramic Funk Movement was strongly felt particularly in Saskatchewan where I live and grew up. It impacted not only a similarly aged generation of Canadian artists, but I believe aspects of their approach to clay, humor, satire; and arts and culture references still exists in a younger generation of artists here as well.

Anyway you can read more about this piece here.

And to read more about the Funk Years at TB-9 make sure to check out David Gilhooly’s website here.