technical tuesday: Glynnis Lessing’s blog

Not only does Glynnis Lessing make lovely pots, she is also the most generous soul on her website sharing tons of her own techniques as well as tutorials and work of other artists. Sadly her blog hasn’t been updated in a few years but the quality of info there doesn’t get outdated.

You might need a bit of time and a coffee to get through all of this if you haven’t been to her site before! Enjoy : )

technical tuesday: 23 Pottery Tips from A Year of Reading Pottery Blogs

umm there is no way to beat the wonderful compilation of links that the ever amazing Pottery Making Info put together this week so I’m just gonna send you straight over there rather then wasting your time here : )

monday morning eye candy is being taken over….

I’m super excited to announce that starting NEXT WEEK monday morning eye candy is going to be handed over for a few weeks to the lovely folks at:
What’s CAN you ask?
Well it’s only one of the best new blogs out there for Ceramic Art.  
CAN stands for Ceramic Artists Now and they are building what is sure to quickly become one of your top go to spots online for gorgeous eye candy and writing about the movers and shakers in our clay community. 


So go check them out this week and make sure to come back next monday to musing 
for an intro of the talent behind CAN and for their first takeover guest post!

technical tuesday: Johnson Tsang

I’ve seen a fair amount of images of Johnson Tsang’s work in the past but I had no idea of the amazing blog that he writes where he generously shares step by step process information for his amazing sculptures. I’m sure you will be as floored as I was when you take a look through his website: I was especially interested in seeing how he gets some of those precarious sculptures in and out of the kiln. Inspiring for sure. From idea to gallery installation he shares it all with us. Prepare to be blow away.