Add another to the blog roll.

Just recently I posted some beautiful pictures of my work and the work of Laura B. Cooper in site (see here), which were sent to me from a collector who had purchased both of our works. Well I’ve discovered that said collector has a blog: The Ridou Report, where they showcase works from their gorgeous art collection as well as some images that are making me question yet again why I moved back to the cold north from the beaches of Australia. You should make sure to find the time to check it out, just make sure you’re also okay with images of spiders….it is Australia after all!

Another blog to add to your reading list – enjoy!

A few years back when I was a student with at the ANU I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer to help out with their distance ceramics program, which was a great way to see some amazing workshops by international artists and to get to hang out with the students who traveled to the school twice a year to participate in the distance school. On one of these occasions I had the pleasure of meeting Elaine Bradley, a hilarious, witty and very talented student. Just recently I’ve reconnected with her only to discover that she’s been teaching and writing a blog about her work, her teaching, her studies and life in general. It’s great, hopefully you’ll head over to take a peek.

New Ceramics blog to check out…

Yup another one to add to the list, this one is by author Richard Jacobs, the author of Searching for Beauty. I’m excited to see where this blog will lead us and the conversations to be had. Already the one quote from the book posted on the blog refers back to a conversation we’ve been having recently here.

““… Is innate talent the ultimate determiner of success, or like so many other human enterprises, does packaging, marketing, the right connections and pandering to popular taste determine success? Do you measure success by the quality of the pot on the shelf or the amount of money in the bank? Can you really have both?..” Searching for Beauty, page 17

Awnsers anyone??? please???

Check out more of Richards writing on his blog Searching for Beauty.