Women in Clay 4: Gasworks NYC Zoom Workshop Series

Sundays, April 25-June 27, 2-4pm EST

This series of workshops will bring together the talents and perspectives of 10 women working in clay from around the country. Each week a different instructor will demo one of their special skills or favorite techniques online via zoom. Price is for all 10 workshops. BIPOC folks pay half.  Email [email protected] for a discount code. Here’s the line up:

Week 1: Melissa Weiss will demonstrate how to handbuild large vases using coil building.

Week 2: Nala Turner from Carlynne Ceramics will discuss visual characterizations of trauma and the resilience of the black body in relation to social narrative + power; and demonstrate finding safety through the ceramic process.

Week 3: Candice Methe will demonstrate how to handbuild a lidded vessel using coiling, cutting, and darting.

Week 4: Jen Allen will demonstrate how she hand-builds teapots discussing form and texture along the way.

Week 5: Gabo Martini will demonstrate throwing in sections and large-scale sgraffito.

Week 6: Dina Nur Satti from Nur Ceramics will discuss the spiritual and communal essence of pottery and building asymmetrical vases and embellishments.

week 7: Yiyi Mendoza will demonstrate slab building and making funky plates.

week 8: Sara Morales-Morgan will demonstrate how to create illustrative surfaces using underglaze and china paint.

Week 9: Zoe Dering will discuss form and texture while demo-ing a carved and altered wheel-thrown pot.

Week 10: Tiffany Saw will demonstrate traditional carving techniques from Jing de Zhen.

Register HERE.

introducing: Shape Theory Collective

“Throughout time, art has been related to the muses, spirits, and something as close as possible to true inspiration. Art is connected to something much greater than just an object, but to something central to who we are.”

Shape Theory Collective; an online marketplace featuring unique works by curated international artists. As makers in the humanities, we all share the common goal of shaping the future we want to see. This includes easing the inequities from the war on drugs experienced by communities of color.

It is a collective conversation and we are beginning our steps to help.

In support of this goal, 5% of all proceeds will go to Last Prisoner Project, a well-established non-profit for representing the 40,000 people still incarcerated for nonviolent cannabis offenses. Additional proceeds will be put to growing our own in-house initiatives.

To learn more and view our very first works by Sam Chung, Nikki Blair, Syd Carpenter, Joann Quinones, Salvador Jimenez Flores, Richard James, Candice Methe and Adrian Arleo check us out at https://shapetheorycollective.com

To follow along for updates on new work and new artists follow on instagram.

technical tuesday: Duckbutt Cup with Candice Methe

So many incredible artists from our clay community are taking to the internet and sharing process videos. Honestly I’ve seen so many lately that it’s basically a 24/7 channel of inspiration out there! Candice Methe’s work is some of the loveliest out there and she’s shared this amazing multipart tutorial on her IGTV on instagram. Go check it out, and also note that she’s having a SALE on her site starting April 1st. Love the tutorial? Maybe consider buying her work!



Guest Blogger Intro: Ceramic Artists Now

For most people at this time of year there’s not a lot more exciting then the annual NCECA conference, but let me tell you that in this magnificent world of ceramics there is always inspiring and wonderful things happening.

One of the perks of our community is that there are so many generous people that are willing to jump in and do incredibly charitable things for other artists. There was a great quote recently by Molly Hatch as part of the Think Big series where in she referred to the idea of “a rising tide lifting all the boats”. I adore this quote. I’m a strong believer in the need for us to work together to strengthen the community; whether through education and exposure, creation of opportunities, sharing of resources and knowledge.

It seems that every chance we get to explore new social media platforms (check out all of the stuff happening over on Periscope as a prime example) we jump on board wholeheartedly with generosity and willingness to give back.

When I recently stumbled upon Ceramic Artists Now and was thrilled to see this new website up and running. What a wonderful resource and addition to our community. The folks behind the website are Rachel Donner, Agnes Z Blume, and Jeremiah Butters. I really encourage you to head over and have a look around. Read the contributors bios, and get to know some of the incredible artists they are showing.

I’m eager to be working with them over the next few weeks having them select monday morning eye candy for us to enjoy. So go check out their website, sign up for their newsletter so you don’t miss a thing, and come back to musing after to enjoy the work of

 Candice Methe. 

Happy Monday Everyone!

See you at NCECA this week,
