Bazaart tomorrow

Well the prediction is for rain and thunderstorms, but what can you do? Rain or shine i’ll be at Bazaart tomorrow. If you’re in the area and can stop by, please do!

Saturday, June 18, 2011 | Sponsored by SaskTel | 10 am – 5 pm | Admission: $5
Bazaart takes place in front of the MacKenzie Art Gallery and T. C. Douglas Building parking lot at the corner of Albert Street and 23rd Avenue. Parking is located north of the MacKenzie Art Gallery, just off Albert St., Regina Saskatchewan.
For more info on Bazaart and all the participating artists please visit their website.

the politics of innocent dreams

Ahh yesturday was another lovely craft sale day for me. An awesome day of being out of the isolated studio and interacting with the amazing community here in Saskatoon that supports handmade art. Nothing like a day of chatting and seeing some great art by other local artisans to get the inspiration and drive going. Brought home some sweet goodies to top it off!

Thanks to all that made it out.

And I also have a bit of news, well maybe I’ve mentioned it before, I’ve got an upcoming show here in Saskatoon at the Mendel Art Gallery. It’s part of their Artist to Artist program so I’m actually working with a mentor on this body of work; a painter, Marsha Kennedy who I exhibited with last March. Things are coming along nicely, I think. I know I’ve been slack about posting studio sneak peeks. I’ll try to take some pictures in the next few days.

Later today I’ll be having a studio visit with Marsha so i’m pretty excited to hear what she has to say. I’m a sucker for a good critique. I hope she draws a bit of blood from me. I hope that I end the crit stressed and a bit beaten down. Cuz it’s always good to be challenged, and once you’re out of school that just doesn’t seem to happen as much. Don’t get me wrong, pats on the back and compliments are lovely and desired, but good honest feedback is hard to come by and it’s how we grow and challenge ourselves.

Well wish me luck. Another strong cup of tea I believe is in order to get my brain ready for all the art speak.

In the meantime please check out the Mendel website for more info about the show.

Francis Marion University in Florence, SC, Offers Ceramic Sculpture Symposium – Mar. 5, 2011

Francis Marion University in Florence, SC, will present a Figurative Ceramic Sculpture Symposium, on Saturday, Mar. 5, 2011, from 6:30-9:30pm in the Ashpy P. Lowrimore Auditorium at the Cauthen Education Media Center on the campus of Francis Marion University. Sergei Isupov, Janis Mars Wunderlich, and Cristina Cordova will each give presentations about their artwork. Afterwards, there will be a panel discussion, with Howard Frye and Doug Gray moderating, with the artists on the development of artistic imagery and style, followed by questions from the audience.
Work by Cristina Cordova For further information contact Howard Frye, Assistant Professor of Art Education, Francis Marion University by calling 843/661-1680 or e-mail to ([email protected]).

This is so insanely awesomely fantastic.

Beth Katleman:

Folly January 20 – February 17, 2011 Jane Hartsook Gallery
16 Jones Street
New York, NY Recently profiled in the New York Times, Folly is an installation of three-dimensional porcelain “wallpaper,” filled with dark humor. Forty-eight white porcelain landscapes float against a polite turquoise wall, surrounded by an explosion of leaves and flowers. Upon closer inspection the narratives take a mischevious turn: bridesmaids behave badly, ducklings tumble off waterfalls and reindeer answer nature’s porcelain call… The miniature landscapes include water features, topiaries, architectural follies, figurines and toys from the flea market. Inspired by the florid designs of 18th century wallpaper, Folly explores themes of consumption and desire. Click here to read the full interview in the New York Times: Press ReleaseHer Website
Map to Jane Hartsook Gallery

A sneak peek…

Some of these pieces will be in the show next month. More images to come in the next week or so. Thoughts, critiques as always greatly appreciated.

as yet untitled (ideas??)

ass kissing angels

She should have seen the warning signs.

as yet untitled (ideas??)

set adrift in a ship of fools.

they appropriated their identity.