Blumhardt Foundation Funding opportunities for the Craft/Object Sector


New Funding for Craft/Object Sector. In February 2018 the Blumhardt Foundation is offering for the first time two major new initiatives that recognise the legacy of Dame Doreen Blumhardt and continue the Foundation’s support of development in the craft/object sector. The Blumhardt Lecture provides up to $4,000 for the hosting of a public lecture of nationally significant scholarship or commentary about the applied arts, relevant to contemporary New Zealand makers. The Blumhardt International Residency provides up to $18,000 for the hosting of an international practitioner whose residence in New Zealand will provide opportunities for local practitioners to extend their international networks. Applications close February 28. Blumhardt Grants provides biannual funding for a small number of significant projects that have long term benefit for the sector. Grants are usually between $2,000 and $5,000. For more information and How to Apply see our website