Well I do hope that each and everyone of you are having a wonderful holiday season however you choose to celebrate it. I am finally in relax mode, no work for me for a few days at least, well that is except for sharing more beautiful work with you all. Enjoy today’s eye candy hopefully you haven’t filled up on too many treats so far today!


“I am a clay artist living in Chapel Hill, N.C. I combine wheel throwing and hand building in my work and fire Raku and cone 10 reduction. I teach hand building and Raku classes at the Artscenter in Carrboro N.C. and sell my work in local galleries and art festivals. In 2008 the Orange County Arts Commission awarded me an artists project grant for a gas/raku kiln. I have been experimenting with raku glazes for the past year and in August of 2009 I attended a Raku workshop at Penland with Steven Forbes deSoule. The metal stand for the pear was found outside the metal shop at Penland and the chartreuse glaze was a glaze we experimented with during the workshop. Chartreuse glaze Raku fired to 1950 f in an Olympic torchbearer gas/raku kiln”

Also check out Tracey’s blog for more gorgeous work and info about her practice www.tsbroome.blogspot.com.