Learn to make gorgeous handmade brushes that are works of art and functional tools. Each day, several types of brushes will be introduced using different hair and construction methods. Demonstrations will include knot-tying, epoxy mixing, cutting and wrapping hairs, and making brush handles. Students will work with buck tail hair, moose hair, horse hair, rooster hackle, broom corn straw, and other fibers. The brushes we make may be used to decorate ceramics or for sumi ink, calligraphy, and watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting. The class will also include demonstrations on how handmade brushes can be used to make dynamic marks on a variety of surfaces.Want more info? Check out the website here.
Studio potter since 1984, producing utilitarian stoneware, handmade brushes and decorative pit fired and rakued vessels; publisher of on-line ClayArtWeb Guide.com and ArtistsinTexas.com.